Baird Academy

John J . Graeber

Immediate Past President Of ALD, NJ, USA

Dr. John J . Graeber

+ Biography

John J. Graeber, DMD is a distinguished UMDNJ (Rutgers) alumnus from the class of 1972. He has maintained an advanced technology practice in East Hanover, New Jersey for 48 years. He is a pioneer in the use of lasers in General Practice beginning in 1991. An author of more than 20 nationally published articles and a recent Textbook on High-Tech diagnostics and caries treatment (Microinvasive Dentistry: Clinical Strategies and Tools)

Dr. Graeber has attained Fellowship and Mastership in both the Academies of General and Laser Dentistry. He has been honored with Fellowship in the International College of Dentists. He is a Founder and Past President of the Academy of Laser Dentistry. Dr Graeber has lectured nationally and Internationally for the past 27 years. He has served as a Component President and Past State Officer of New Jersey Dental Association.

+ Social Profile

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